Christ Lutheran Church
Come As You Are. Take Christ On Your Journey!
Seafarers International House (ELCA) located on 15th Street just east of Union Square, provides ship visitation and pastoral care to seafarers. It also offers lodging for both seafarers and other travelers from all over the world at economical rates. Christ Lutheran Church is the resident congregation offering Word & Sacrament ministry to all.
ReconcilingWorks -Lutherans for Full Participation works for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church and congregations.
God's Love We Deliver prepares and delivers nutritious, high-quality meals to New Yorkers who, because of their illness are unable to provide or prepare meals for themselves features one of the largest gay and lesbian welcoming Christian church directories and bulletin boards in the world.
New Yorkers Against Gun Violence works to reduce gun violence through advocacy and education designed to encourage action, influence public opinion and lead to policy change.
LOST AND FOUND Stylistically, the music of LOST AND FOUND is not easy to describe. One person said the music is "the intersection of the Ramones and John Denver." This is, as you might imagine, a relatively deserted intersection.
Habitat for Humanity NYC helps families in need build newly constructed homes.
New York City Gay Hockey Association offers its annual Chelsea Challenge with support from Christ Lutheran Church. The Chelsea Challenge is an adult ice hockey tournament for members and friends of the LGBT community. The tournament welcomes players from everywhere and usually includes teams from all over the US, Canada and Europe. The Chelsea Challenge takes place at Sky Rink at Chelsea Piers, a 30-acre waterfront sports village located between 17th and 23rd Streets along Manhattan's Hudson River. Directions to Chelsea Piers.
The Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence coordinates, educates and assists New Yorkers. Also the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women provides a world of help at your fingertips. The Safe Horizon 24 hour hotline is 1-800-621-4673 and the Connect Helpline at 1-212-683-0605 is available 9-5. Our favorite online game! Put that brain to work and feed the hungry. Our highest score = 62